Stuck in a rut

January 19, 2009

A lack of “Kayak” brown semi-sheen acrylic housepaint saw all work on the caulk roads grind to a standstill. I had judged that my veteran sample pot of “Kayak” brown (lasted me ten years, did that trustworthy pot!) didn’t have enough to complete a proper first undercoat, so I stopped work until I had more. ‘Having more’ took until the weekend just gone (thanks, Haymes Paint Right in Nunawading) – longer than I’d intended.

Yesterday I was able to complete the first complete undercoat and I had judged correctly that I would’ve run out if I just relied on the dregs in the sample pot, so I was relieved about that. With tomorrow being just as hot as today, tomorrow evening looks ripe for applying another complete layer in one go and having it dry quickly.

Next, a brown ink wash will be applied, to bring out the depth in the ruts and pot-holes in the road. The ruts and pot-holes look much better with a coat of paint over them…thye looked a bit odd just in the plain caulk.

After that, the plan is to do a heavy drybrush of this “Kayak” brown mixed equally with Vermin Brown, as I use Vermin Brown spattered on vehicles to represent mud. (Note to self – buy some more Vermin Brown tomorrow, or there will be delays again). Lastly, a final drybrush of pure Vermin Brown to bring out highlighting.

Some green flock will be glued along the sides, a coat of Dullcote to protect each piece, and done!


First comment about that MAC Horch AA vehicle…thanks for the brass fine etched parts, but why not also proved brass etched wire panels for the collapsible sides?

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